Reading a network file with incomplete line routes or system routes
If the network file to be opened contained incomplete line routes or system routes (i.e. one or more link or stop point missing in the course of the route or being blocked for the route), you can pre-define how to complete the given data when read in.
1. Open a network file or read network data additively (Opening a network file and Reading network data additively).
2. In the Read network window, select the Show the 'Complete line routes' window option.
During the import, the Read network (completing the courses of line routes/system routes) window opens.
3. Make the desired changes.
Note: When opening the Read network (completing the courses of line routes/system routes) window, the settings are read in for each transport system from the registry if they exist there. If for the transport system used, there is no registry entry but a registry entry independent of a transport system for the settings, then this is used. |
Tip: Alternatively, save the settings for adding line route and system route paths under user preferences. These settings are then saved as default settings in the registry regardless of the transport system. 1. From the Edit menu, choose User preferences. 2. In the User preferences window, in the navigator, select Network > Lines. 3. In the section Completing of line route course and system route course, click the button Edit default settings. The window Read network (completing the courses of line routes/system routes) opens. |
Element |
Description |
Transport system |
From the selection list, select the transport system the settings are valid for. Note This option is not available when you open the window from within User preferences. |
Delete existing line routes after reading |
If this option has been selected, all lines defined in the currently open network and their corresponding data (line routes etc.) are deleted after the reading process. Note This option is only provided for Read network data additively (Reading network data additively). |
Stop points section |
If stop points on nodes do not exist You can decide how to handle missing stop points in the route. Do not create line route If this option has been selected, line routes which should use the missing stop point of the node are not read in. Use stop point of node If this option has been selected, the invalid stop point number in the route read from file is ignored. The stop point defined (with identical number) for the node will be used instead. Create stop point If this option has been selected, a stop point with the node's co-ordinates, code and name is created for each node without stop point. Notes If there is a stop point already, the line route cannot be read in. No line route items are created for stop points on links. If stop points are closed to this transport system You can decide how data shall be adjusted if lines of the selected transport system are not permitted to serve certain stop points. Do not create time profile If this option has been selected, time profiles including stops at blocked stop points are not read from file. Remove stop event from time profile If this option has been selected, time profiles including stop events at blocked stop points are read from file but the stop point will not be served. Open stop point to TSys If this option has been selected, time profiles including stop events at blocked stop points are read from file and the stop point will be opened to the transport system, thus it will be served. |
Links and turns section |
Also use closed links for routing Select this option to also include links closed for the transport system selected for routing. Also use closed turns for routing Select this option to also include turns closed for the transport system selected for routing. If links are either missing or blocked for the transport system Use course of existing line routes first If the option has been selected, existing line routes are checked to complement the missing section. Note This option is only provided for Read network data additively (Reading network data additively). If no path could be found this way or else You can decide how data shall be adjusted if no appropriate line route course could be found due to missing links or blocked links. Do not create line route / system route If this option has been selected, the routes using the particular links will not be read from file. Open existing link or use type to insert new link If this option has been selected, blocked links are opened to the selected transport system and missing links are created. You can select the type for the new links in the drop-down list (Specifying link types) or insert a new link type with the default values using the Find shortest path If this option has been selected, a route course is searched for which has to meet certain requirements (shortest path). |
Parameters for the shortest path search |
Search criterion In the list, click the criterion you want to use for the shortest path search.
If no shortest path is found or length is > [detour factor] x direct distance You can decide how data is to be adjusted in the event that no route course is found that meets the specified conditions or if the length of the found route exceeds the direct distance between the two stop areas by the indicated factor. Enter the desired factor in the input field. Do not create line route / system route If this option has been selected, line routes and system routes are not read from network file. Insert only if a direct link can be opened If this option has been selected, line routes and system routes are only read from network file if those links can be permitted for the selected transport system. Always insert; direct link is opened if possible, otherwise it is inserted If this option has been selected, line routes and system routes are read from network file. Missing links (Specifying link types) in a route course will be created. In the list, click the link type you want to use for newly inserted links. Link type of newly created links Here you specify the link type for newly inserted links. Set the link type of open links to Here you can specify a link type for opened links. This way you can tell later which links were opened during the read in process. |
Apply to all transport systems |
Click this button to apply the settings set for the currently selected transport system to all transport systems. Note This option is not available when you open the window from within User preferences. |
4. Click the Next > button.
The network data is read from file and incomplete line routes and system routes are completed according to the current settings.
Note: Links that are created or opened for route completion will be logged to log file, as far as a log file has been opened (Specifying settings for protocol files). |
Defining default settings for completing line route and system route courses
As an alternative to completing line route and system route courses as part of the additional import of networks, save the settings for adding line route and system route courses under User preferences. These settings are then saved as default settings in the registry regardless of the transport system.
1. From the Edit menu, choose User preferences.
The User preferences window opens.
2. In the navigator, select Network >Lines.
3. In the section Completing of line route course and system route course, click the button Edit default settings.
The window Read network (completing the courses of line routes/system routes) opens. Here you can define settings that will be valid for all transport systems in the future.